2017, №2

сс. 49-59

Modification of Poly(4-Methyl-2-Pentyne) in Supercritical Fluid Media for the Preparation of CO2-Selective Gas Separation Membranes

2017, №2

сс. 49-59


V.G. Polevaya, A.M. Vorobei, O.I. Pokrovskiy, G.A. Shandryuk, O.O. Parenago, V.V. Lunin, V.S. Khotimskiy

Key words: polymer membranes, gas separation, 1,2-disubstituted polyacetylenes, polymer chemical modification, СО2 separation, permeability, selectivity, quaternization

This work is devoted to the investigation of supercritical fluid media applicability for
the modification of a promising gas-separating polymer in order to improve CO2-selectivity.
The possibility to introduce a quaternary ammonium salt functional group
into poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) structure via two-stage process was demonstrated:
bromination with N-bromosuccinimide and its subsequent addition to a tertiary amine
(quaternization) in supercritical fluid media. Using trifluoromethane as a reaction
media leads to the highest polymer modification degree. The best achieved result gave
a three-fold increase in CO2/N2 selectivity in comparison with initial
